Parker Services Inc Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

The Top 5 Warning Your Furnace Is in Trouble

Monday, January 29th, 2024

You won’t need to run your furnace often to warm your house. Not with the weather we have here in Panama City. But you want it to work right when you do need it, so it’s a good idea to watch out for any warning signs the furnace is in trouble. That way, you can call for prompt furnace repair in Panama City, FL from our technicians and get ahead of a more serious problem later on. It’s also much safer to react quickly to furnace problems, especially if you have a gas furnace.

There are several specific warning signs to watch for that will tell you your furnace needs the attention of HVAC professionals. Here are five…

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How to Tell You Need to Get a New Central Heating System

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Getting a heating replacement in Panama City, FL probably isn’t something you often have on your mind. You live in a place with the type of winter weather that draws snowbirds from the far north. But it’s easy to get complacent and allow a failing heater to slowly fall apart while you’re not paying attention. Then suddenly, on one of those rainy storm days when you need your heater to run, it won’t—and the old system is simply too expensive to repair. 

Rather than get trapped having to replace a heating system as an emergency measure, you can head off the problem with some diligence and a few facts about when a heater needs to be replaced. We’ll guide you through how you can best tell when you need to schedule a heating system replacement with our pros.

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Now Is a Great Time for Regular HVAC Maintenance!

Monday, November 6th, 2023

It may sound odd that we’re recommending you arrange to have HVAC maintenance in Panama City, FL right now. The weather is hovering around that ideal point where it’s not hot enough to need the AC to run frequently and it’s not even remotely cold enough to justify putting on long sleeves.

But the best time to have your HVAC system inspected and tuned-up for the season ahead is during a time when you don’t need it. You won’t have to worry about going without your AC or heater during maintenance because you wouldn’t have either of them running anyway. 

HVAC maintenance is a biannual job, ideally done in spring to prepare for summer and then in fall to prepare for winter. We’re deep into fall right now, and even though we don’t experience extreme cold in Florida, it’s still important to make sure you’re prepared for the chillier days—especially since we live near the ocean. If you haven’t gotten your fall maintenance done yet, call us today to schedule it.

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How to Tell if Your Heater Needs Repair Service

Monday, January 9th, 2023

With a recent bout of cold weather in Florida, more people are concerned about their home heating systems. It’s good to be a bit concerned since that helps homeowners be more aware of the importance of a central heating system—something often overlooked in Florida’s weather. 

You probably were recently running your central heating in Panama City, FL, so this is a good time to ask yourself if you noticed anything unusual about it. Knowing the signs to look for can help you react quickly to have the heating system repaired before you need to use it again. You’ll avoid future heating troubles, including a central heater that won’t work at all!

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Yes, You Still Need to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, December 5th, 2022

It’s December, and as we’re writing this, the temperature outside is a pleasant 75°F. Quite typical for this part of Florida at this time of the year. Winter weather arrives late, and the winters are mild compared to much of the rest of the country. 

So when we start to talk about scheduling your heating maintenance for winter, you might think it’s not that important. You can skip it this year, and maybe the next, and maybe the next… 

And that’s one of the reasons we urge you to get heating maintenance in December: it’s easy to put it off to the point that you end up never getting it done. And that can be a big disaster for your comfort!

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